
Job Tracker

A full stack job application tracker built using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Using this application users can organize and manage their job applications. They can also view statistical information about their job search, including the number of job applications pending, the number of job applications declined, and the number of interviews scheduled. NOTE: LIVE DEMO HOST TAKES 1 MINUTE TO COLD START APP.

Crypto Tracker

A cryptocurrency tracking application built using React, Redux, and Ant Design. The application keeps users informed of the most recent data and statistics for various cryptocurrencies. It also provides users with relevant news articles and other updates from the cryptocurrency world to help users stay informed and make informed decisions.

Netflix Clone

A React-based application that replicates the user interface of Netflix, enabling users to view movie trailers from various categories such as new releases, trending, top rated, action, comedy, fantasy, horror, and thriller. The application pulls the movie data from the (TMDB) movie database API.

Weather App

An application created with React that enables users to search for a city and retrieve its weather data, including temperature, perceived temperature, wind speed, humidity, pressure, cloud coverage, sea level and 7 day forecast. The application pulls the weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
